To ensure the safety of all personnel / residents in the danger zone by means of establishing a perimeter and determining whether or not evacuations are necessary. Law enforcement personnel will also conduct an investigation to determine the source of the threat.
Initial Response:
- Contact the person in charge of the facility that is the target of the threat to determine whether or not they wish to evacuate the premises.
- Obtain information from people at the location to determine if the threat is credible.
- Establish a perimeter of at least 300 feet.
- Attempt to locate a device. Call the LASD Bomb Squad if located (323-881-7500).
Questions to ask person making threat:
- When is bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb right now?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
Record the time of call, exact words suspect used, age, sex, speech patterns or accents, and any background noises.
If a threat occurs at the GPD station, search for the device, evacuate station if found (to include the jail if credible). Dispatch efforts should continue unless unsafe to do so. Consider relocating to Verdugo Fire