Housing Element
California’s Housing Element law requires that each city and county develop local housing programs to meet its “fair share” of existing and future housing needs for all income groups. The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is responsible for developing and assigning these regional housing needs allocation, or “RHNA”, to southern California jurisdictions. Pursuant to the RHNA planning period, the City Council adopted Sierra Madre Housing Element as an eight-year plan from 2021-2029.
Adopted 2014-2021 Sierra Madre Housing Element
Adopted 2021-2029 Sierra Madre Housing Element
Home Ownership Programs
Los Angeles County Development Authority offers assistance for first-time homebuyers through their Home Ownership Program (HOP), and Southern California Home Financing Authority (SCHFA) Mortgage Revenue
Program. Please call 626- 586-1838 or visit their website at Welcome to LACDA wwwa.lacda.org
provides grants to cities and non-profit developers to assist homeowners with
homebuyer assistance and rehabilitation and accessory dwelling unit assistance
(construction, repair, reconstruction, or rehabilitation). Program also includes
loans to developers for homeownership projects. www.hcd.ca.gov/fa/calhome
The California Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) Program provides property owners with low interest financing for energy and water efficiency improvements and electric vehicle charging infrastructure on their property. www.renovateamerica.com
Energy Upgrade California (EUC) is astatewide program that offers up to $4,000 in incentives to homeowners who complete select energy-saving home improvements on single-family residences and two-to-four-unit buildings. www.energyupgradeca.org
Income-qualified Edison and So Cal Gas customers may be eligible for the State’s Energy Savings Assistance program, and/or a 30% bill discount under the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program.
Housing Resources
The State has released a new housing assistance website to provide some information for tenants and landlords regarding evictions protections. landlordtenant.dre.ca.gov/
Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8 Rental Assistance) lacda.org/section-8
The San Gabriel Valley Landlord Incentives Program (SGVLIP) is an exciting and innovative new program managed by Union Station Homeless Services in partnership with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments that connects rental property owners with financial incentives for leasing units to tenants who are receiving rental assistance to leave homelessness. Click on the following links for program information. landlordincentives.org

Senior Citizen Housing
L.A. County Housing Resource Center website has provided information and tools for finding senior housing.
Fair Housing Information
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), the Housing Rights Center (HRC) provides fair housing services to landlords and tenants.
For information regarding unfair evictions and/or discrimination, please contact the following:
L.A. County Housing Rights Center: 1-800-477-5977 or housingrightscenter.org

L.A. County Dept. of Consumer Affairs: 1-800-593-8222
HUD Office of Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity: 1-800-347-3739 or hud.gov
National Fair Housing Alliance: nationalfairhousing.org