The Library offers the following technologies: public computer access, free WiFi, texting renewal and reference services, and online reference resources.
Public Computers
The Library has 7 computer workstations with:
- Internet access
- Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access & Publisher)
A photocopier with scanner capability to a USB flash drive is also available.
Computer time is limited to two 1 hour sessions per day.
To use the computers, a current library card is required. Visitors without library cards may get one computer-use pass per day for two, 1 hour sessions. All users must agree to abide by the Library's Internet & Computer Use Policy.
Reservations can be made from any computer in the Library.
Printing from the computers in black & white and color is available for $0.20 per page.
Photocopies can be made in black & white for $0.10 per page; in color for $.20 cents per page.
The Children's Computers offer a variety of educational software, Microsoft Office and Internet access.
Free WiFi is available on the Library premises.
Renew materials and ask questions by texting 626-662-1254 or click here from your mobile device.

Electronic Resources
Click here to access the Library's free digital resources available on the Library's Catalog.
CAreer Pathways resources include: Coursera, GetSetUp, LearningExpress Library Complete, LinkedIn Learning, Skillshare and BrainFuse VetNow.
Use the Library's free digital resources (listed below) by going to the Library's ONLINE CATALOG
- Libby - downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks
- Kanopy - stream movies and programs
- - genealogical research (in Library only)
- AtoZdatabases - marketing and reference database
- Brainfuse HelpNow - tutoring services
- Brainfuse VetNow - supporting veterans and their families
- Britannica Escolar AND School Edition - digital encyclopedia
- Coursera - build skills from universities and companies
- GetSetUp - for older adults to learn and connect with live classes
- Learning Express - online tutorials, test practice and resume builder
- LinkedIn Learning - career builder
- MasterFILE Complete - online full-text magazine and journal articles
- National Geographic Kids
- New York Times access
- NoveList Plus - reader's advisory for fiction and popular non-fiction
- Palace Project - free eBooks and eAudiobooks in multiple languages
- PressReader - over 5,000 magazines, newspapers, and more
- Teaching Books - K-12 reading and library activities