Wildfire Resources

Wildfire Recovery Resources - LA County Recovers
FEMA Assistance available for those impacted by LA County Wildfires

CAL FIRE Prepare for a Wildfire with Ready, Set, Go!
Be prepared for when wildfire strikes with Ready, Set, Go!

CAL FIRE's Ready for Wildfire App
Build your personalized Wildfire Preparedness Plan and get text messages on active CAL FIRE incidents with the Ready for Wildfire App.

CAL FIRE Hardening Your Home Wildfire
Safety steps to protect your home, loved ones, and the wider community.

CAL FIRE Home Hardening
Low-cost ways to Harden your Home.

California Fire Hazard Severity Zone Maps
View all of California's adopted 2007 Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps. 

California Department of Insurance, Safer from Wildfires
Learn what actions you can take on your property to qualify for an insurance discount. 

A Guide to Defensible Space, LA County Fire Department
Learn what measures you can take to protect your property from wildfire.

Sustainable Defensible Space, Eco-appropriate Homescaping for Wildfire Resilience
Learn information on how to increase wildfire resilience and maintain habitat quality in the Southern California Wildland Urban interface (WUI).

Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains
RCD Santa Monica is a leading organization in environmental education and community outreach. Visit their website for  information on their Wildfire Preparedness Trainings designed to teach residents how to reduce the risk of wildfire ignition by implementing home hardening and firewise landscaping best practices.