What is Sierra Madre Greener Yards?

To continue to promote water conservation in Sierra Madre, “Sierra Madre Greener Yards” is a program intended to further assist residents who are looking to transform their lawn to drought tolerant landscaping by providing detailed plans and plant resources.
The project includes 5 different layout plans, all based on the most popular housing styles in Sierra Madre. Plans will feature beginner-friendly landscaping plants and styles that offer maximum water efficiency and drought resiliency.
Plans are available, free of cost, for download below and residents will be able to use these plans to help design their yard with plant types, descriptions, and measurements.
Landscape Designer: Briana Lyon at California Wild Gardens
Sierra Madre Greener Yards | California Wild Gardens (calwildgardens.com)
Click Each Link Down Below to Download Plans
Contemporary House Style Plans
Mediterranean House Style Plans
Ranch House Style Plans
Spanish House Style
Craftsman House Style