Initial Focus of Effort
- Prevent loss of Life or great bodily injury
- Determine what Response/Resources are appropriate for the incident
- Contain the event
- Isolate the event
- Evacuate all uninvolved parties
- Gather, verify and disseminate Intelligence information
- Gather/Protect all materials (evidence) for justification/prosecution
- Provide for Human Needs
- Develop Contingency Plans
Framing an Operation/Incident
- What do I have (Frame the Incident)?
- What is Familiar or Unfamiliar?
- What are the anomalies?
- What do I want to have happen (End State/Objectives/Commanders Intent)?
- Who/What do I want it to happen to (Focus of Effort)?
- How, When and Where do I want it to happen (Tactics/Time/Terrain)?
- What are my contingency plans?
- What do I NOT want to happen?
NOTE: Constantly reassess the incident as the circumstances change or evolve. Don’t get anchored into your first plan of action. Know that every action you take, changes the situation and you must make the necessary changes to adapt. Example: Hostage situation where the hostage escapes leaving the suspect by himself/herself. This should now be treated as a barricaded suspect.
Cynefin Framework
- Clear/Simple/Obvious: Sense, Categorize, Respond (Best Practice)
- Complicated: Sense, Analyze, Respond (Good Practice)
- Complex: Probe, Sense, Respond (Heuristics/Rules of Thumb/Safe to Fail Experiments)
- Chaotic: Act, Sense, Respond (Do something to put the problem in anther domain. No Constraints)