The User Utility Tax (UUT) amount actually paid by each household will vary depending upon the utilities used by the household. Based upon the sample residential utility usage shown below, a typical household will pay an average of $9.78 more per month, or .33 cents more each day, for each 2% increase.

UUT Exemption
The 2008 UUT provided an exemption for households that qualify as “Low Income”. Under Measure UUT, households that qualify as “Very-Low-Income” and “Extremely-Low-Income” (based on the Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] - Section 8 Housing income limits) will be exempt from the tax. Residents can submit an application for an annual exemption for Very-Low-Income and Extremely-Low-Income households at any time during the year.
Exemption Guidelines
To qualify for the exemption, households must provide supporting documentation including proof of income to the City of Sierra Madre.
The City will use the income limits as established for state and federal programs by HUD. Income limits vary depending upon the size of the household. For example, a single-person household is considered Very-Low-Income if the person’s income does not exceed $29,050, while the Very-Low-Income limit for a family of four is $41,500 (2015-Income Guidelines; Los Angeles County Community Development Commission).
These limits are based on HUD estimates of median family income, with adjustments based on family size. Click here for more information.

How to Apply
If you or someone you know qualifies for this program and would like to apply, download and complete the UUT Exemption Application.
The completed application and supporting documents can be mailed or submitted in person to City Hall at 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Contact City Hall at (626) 355-7135 ext. 302 for additional information.