Use of Force


The use of force is a matter of critical concern, both to the public and to the law enforcement community. When force is used, supervisors are expected to carry out certain tasks, which are highlighted in GPD policy 300.7. This checklist is designed to remind supervisors about their responsibilities and to ensure all criteria is complied with at the conclusion of a "Use of Force" incident.

Notification To Supervisors:

Supervisory notification shall be made as soon as practicable following the application of force in any of the following circumstances:

  • The application caused a visible injury.
  • The application would lead a reasonable officer to conclude that the individual may have experienced more than momentary discomfort.
  • The individual subjected to the force complained of injury or continuing pain.
  • The individual indicates intent to pursue litigation.
  • Any application of a conducted energy device or control device.
  • Any application of a restraint device other than handcuffs, shackles, or belly chains.
  • The individual subjected to the force was rendered unconscious.
  • An individual was struck or kicked.

Consider the following when conducting your investigation and ensure it is documented appropriately in police reports:

Totality of Circumstances and Objective Reasonableness

Levels of Force:

  1. Deadly force
  2. Intermediate force
  3. Non-Deadly force

Officer/Subject Factors:

  1. Prior contacts
  2. Number of officer's verse suspects
  3. Age/size/relative strength
  4. Special knowledge/skills
  5. Injury/exhaustion
  6. Mentally ill/under the influence
  7. Environmental factors
  8. Proximity to potential weapons

Use of Force (When):

  1. Effect on arrest
  2. Overcome resistance
  3. Prevent escape
  4. Defense of self
  5. Defense of others

Graham Factors:

  1. Immediate threat to officer or others
  2. Active resistance
  3. Split second decision
  4. Severity of the crime
  5. Attempting to evade or escape



Actions of suspect prior to contact: Review CAD notes. Note all violent behavior/behavior that endangers people

Known issues/medical issues/characteristics of suspect: 5150/UTI/history of violence/armed

Type (Seriousness) of public offense committed or suspected: property crime vs. violent crime/crimes that endanger the public


Tactics used to avoid force: example: Slowing down, request for additional resources, communication

De-Escalation or why de-escalation was not feasible (S.A.F.E.):  include any warning given

  • Suspect’s verbal/physical response to commands

Suspect’s actions: immediacy and severity of threat to officer or public

  • Verbal defiance
  • Physical resistance
  • Violence
  • Imminent threat of SBI or death

Characteristics of Suspect vs. Officer:

  • Age, size, relative strength, skill level, injuries, level of exhaustion, number of officers vs. number of suspects, environmental factors


Describe force used: do not let someone else write your force report. Be specific

Describe your mindset: I was hurt. I was exhausted. I was disoriented because I hit my head. I was scared.

Describe any intervention/de-escalation during the use of force (if any):



Describe injuries to officers and suspects: take pictures

Describe Medical Monitoring/Medical Treatment rendered:

Describe Notifications Given: Sergeants and jail staff.

Arrest Charge/Follow Up:


Types of Control Holds:


  1. 2 on 1: standing behind the suspect, the officer hugs one of the suspect’s arms with both of the officer’s arms.
  2. Single Wing: Standing behind the suspect, the officer hugs both of the suspect’s arms behind the suspect’s lower back with one arm. The officer’s second hand grabs the suspect’s near side trapezius.
  3. Straight Wrist Lock: Standing behind the suspect, the officer bends the suspect’s hand toward the suspect’s forearm.
  4. Twist Lock: Standing behind the suspect, the officer twists the suspect’s hand in clock-wise direction.



Hammer Lock: Officer locks prone suspect’s hand behind their lower back.


“I used a distraction blow”: If you punch someone, say: “I hit the suspect.”
“I escorted the suspect to the ground”: Instead say:  “I forced the suspect to the ground.”
“Chicken Wing”: we do not have a chicken wing hold. It’s a single wing. 

Patrol Resources: