To safely apprehend outstanding felony suspects or misdemeanor suspects (not believed to be armed). This list is for searches of suspect(s) that DO NOT require a K9 or SWAT response.
- Eagleview / Pictometry
- Google Maps (addresses)
- Printed Maps for Command Board
- Downlink (sync with Air Support)
- "Point Inside" App (Americana/Galleria)
- Firsttwo.com
Radio Broadcast Examples:
Initial (after containment is set):
All units on the perimeter. Suspect is a male white, 5'-10", 180 pounds, short dark hair, last seen wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots. Suspect last seen running westbound on Harvard west of Columbus. Suspect is wanted for grand theft. Unknown on weapons. The Command Post is in the Elk's lodge parking lot on Colorado east of Brand. All units hold your position and standby for further instruction.
Before Search:
All units on the perimeter, a search is about to begin. Keep radio communication to a minimum. All radio broadcasts will be made by the "Search" team and or by units with emergent traffic. If the suspect begins running or you hear shots being fired inside the containment, hold your positions unless directed to move. Remember to control ingress and egress at all corners.
- Watch Commander
- Air Support