To safely apprehend outstanding suspects by utilizing properly trained police K9 units in order to minimize the risk to law enforcement personnel and/or members of the community. K9s can be deployed to locate and apprehend suspects wanted for serious crimes who 1) present an imminent threat of violence or serious harm to the public or officers, 2) are concealed and refusing to vacate their position, and/or 3) are suspected of a felony crime and are attempting to flee or hide to elude capture. If suspect(s) are believed to be armed, call SWAT to assist with the search teams.
- Get the ball rolling by calling K9 sooner than later. Even if unsure that the incident meets K9 deployment criteria, call and discuss with K9 sergeant.
- Utilize Glendale's off-duty K9s in addition to calling upon an on-duty K9 from a neighboring agency. The neighboring agency K9 will most likely arrive sooner and can be a good resource for a react team until the off-duty Glendale K9s arrive. Most incidents will require multiple dogs, so it is best to start our Glendale K9s in addition to any outside agency K9 support.
- Basic information that should be given to the K9 sergeant during the initial phone call should include:
- the crime the suspect(s) will be arrested for when located,
- weapons involved,
- size of the perimeter and how quickly it was established,
- is the airship on scene, and
- information indicating that suspect may be in the perimeter (seen by officers, witnesses, RPs calling in suspicious person calls), if there is any.
- While the K9s are in route, DO NOT SEARCH FOR or ATTEMPT TO CONTACT the suspect. Contain and wait.
- Draw out the perimeter, do a roll call for officer positions, and request officers not assigned to the perimeter to report to the command post to be part of the K9 search teams.
- Command Staff
- Watch Commander
- Fire Department
- K9
- Air Support
- Detective Personnel