Active Shooter


The Primary objective of any Active Shooter incident is to immediately stop the threat (STOP THE KILLING/STOP THE DYING). Once the threat has been neutralized or determined not to be at the location, Police and Fire personnel should work together to affect rescues of downed victims or individuals that have sheltered in place. Additional considerations should include the preservation of the crime scene, identification of witnesses, and reunification of the victim(s) with their families. The key to handling a large scale incident such as this is to delegate tasks to entrusted personnel.

Statistical Information (2000-2010):

To assist in decision making (helpful hints), here are some salient points that have been learned from past active shooter incidents (approximately 110 active shooter events):

98% were single shooters (lone wolfs)
94% were males
55% had a connection with the attack location (intelligence in identifying shooter)
59% used pistols
26% used rifles
8% used shotguns
5% had body armor
3% had explosive devices


  1. Watch Commander
  2. Command Staff
  3. SWAT
  4. Fire Department
  5. PIO (media and social media)
  6. Air Support
  7. Detective Personnel
  8. Forensics

Resourses To Consider:

  1. Bearcat/Medcat
  2. K9
  3. Traffic Bureau
  4. Mutual Aid
  5. Red Cross
  6. Mass Transit: Buses...
  7. Portable Restrooms
  8. Bomb Squad (if devices are located)
  9. Cadets/Explorers (Staging area, scribes, Traffic Control, etc.)