Station Tours

Note: In order to foster the health and safety of our community, station tours are currently not being hosted. We will be sure to update our website once station tours will be once again offered.

A guided tour of the Sierra Madre Fire Station provides a unique opportunity for schools, organizations, and members of the community to meet their local firefighters and paramedics, and learn about their duties through a hands-on experience.

To submit a request to visit the Sierra Madre Fire Department, please call 626-355-3611 or e-mail [email protected] at least two weeks prior to the desired date.

No requests will be accepted for Birthday or personal parties. A station tour may be requested as part of the events, but the Fire Department asks that tour groups do not hold festivities such as cake, ice cream, or gifts at the station.

Sierra Madre Fire Station 41 is a working fire station. All firefighters and paramedic crews remain “in-service” and available for emergency response during scheduled tours. The fire crew may be called away during the tour or delayed with no notification. In the event the tour is cancelled, the tour may be rescheduled for a different day.

For groups of four people or less you may stop by your local station between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. If the crew is not busy they will be happy to show you the station. No special reservation is required for individuals.